Consulting and Coaching

Mind-Body Resilience for Your Organization

The Mind-Body Resilience Program offers a natural healing approach to trauma, vicarious trauma, and post-traumatic stress and helps build resilience. Our approach helps survivors of sexual assault or abuse, as well as advocates and first responders who work with survivors and may suffer from cumulative and post-traumatic stress.

  • Apply this approach personally as part of your self-care and resilience practices.
  • Apply these ideas in your work as an advocate or first responder.
  • Bring the Mind-Body Resilience Program to your organization.

In-Person and Virtual Consultations and Treatments

Health and Resilience Coaching (One-on-One & Small Group)

Training and Specialized Programs for Your Organization

We will work with you to customize a program for your organization’s specific requirements and objectives.

For More Information or to Contact Us:

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One-on-One Consultation and Treatment

We provide a structured, effective, natural healing approach to help overcome trauma, vicarious trauma, and post-traumatic stress by working energetically with the body’s innate wisdom to facilitate physical, mental, and emotional transformation. This body-mind-spirit approach considers your whole being and ways to enhance healing on all levels.

In addition to treatment and consultation, our approach also includes simple, accessible Qigong exercises which combine breathing, specific movement patterns, and visualization in a powerful practice that helps transform stress, center and ground, and improve health and internal energy. They help redirect attention from stressful physical or environmental stimuli to a more inward, relaxed focus, leading to a greater sense of personal control and resilience.

We can also help you overcome a chronic health condition or simply feel more energetic, so you can become more resilient, healthier, and happier.

This holistic combination of treatment, consultation, prescription Qigong exercises, stress management, and lifestyle recommendations can produce powerful, positive shifts and is often a “missing piece” for people who have been trying to resolve chronic emotional or physical issues, better manage stress, or increase energy levels. It provides the individual with the tools and practices that support and encourage responsibility, control, and agency, resulting in greater resilience, health, and happiness.

In-person and virtual consultations and treatments are available.

Medical Qigong Health Consultation and Treatment

Health and Resilience Coaching

Instruction in Qigong Exercises and Breathwork

For more information or to schedule an initial session, go to

You may also submit the form above and we will follow up with you.

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